Forgan and Smith Architects are an architectural design firm located in Bundall on the Gold Coast. When we initially started approaching architects about our Hope Island development, not only did we want a firm within close proximity to the project, we also wanted to know exactly who we would be dealing with, what the roles of all of the staff working on the project would be and direct contact with the project manager.
Forgan and Smith Architects, with a special mention to Greg Coles have gone above and beyond for the Anchorage Apartments and we are so pleased with everything we have achieved so far.
See a few updates below from Greg Coles over the last few months:
December 2017:
“From the first meeting with our clients… we knew “the Anchorage” would be a significant project, one which could stand out from the rest as a special place to live.
The unique values of the site with it’s water access, location and outstanding views encouraged us to make the best of the architecture to enhance these features.
The project consists of seven buildings of varying heights, all positioned to maximise views and solar orientation.
The use of Multi-level carparks, linked under the various buildings, increases the availability of deep planting zones and expansive Communal Facilities as well as raised lower level units to maximise views.
The units have been designed to take advantage of the Gold Coast’s great weather and comprise a range of sizes and features to suit many purchasers…
All of this combined with a very good builder in Stokes Wheeler, we are confident “The Anchorage” will be a great place to live or invest in, and be a project we as Architects will be proud to be associated with.
Yours sincerely

February 2018 Update:
“Since our previous report we are pleased to advise that the project is progressing well, on budget & on time.
The Communal Facilities area is well and truly completed and now all can see the enormity of the space and amazing inclusions and finishes.
Quite often it is hard to visualize all of this from a model or drawings but now it is there for all to see and enjoy.
Building Three is now well underway with completion expected around Christmas this year. The views from Buildings One & Two are already quite striking but it will be great to see what will truly be amazing views from the top of this building.
Our office has just completed the new designs for Buildings Four, Five & Six, which promise to raise the bar even higher.
We have always respected… (the developers) …willingness to react to the market and the comments of the existing purchasers. This surely makes this project stand out from the rest and should be reflected in the long term value of the units.
We are happy to provide updates on design issues as each component of the project proceeds and we hope this gives all involved a better understanding of how a project such as this is comes about & is brought to fruition.
Yours sincerely

May 2018 Update:
“We recently had the pleasure of attending a function with… at the Community Facilities function room.
This was partly for us to witness the transition of late afternoon to night time, to see the full effects of the new revised lighting layouts which we are happy to report, exceeded our expectations.
It also served as a “soft” opening for our new Building 4 which raises the bar to a new and exciting level.
This will set a new standard for units on Hope Island and will further justify the amazing location.
It was great to catch up with many of the existing residents and particularly gratifying that some were already on their second unit, with others even heading towards a third.
Construction documentation is now completed for building 4, with 5 & 6 not far away.
We hope to be able to advise a firm construction commencement date for 4 and will advise when available.
Building 3 is charging ahead and has been a very smooth operation with the builder to date. We are on time and on budget and aiming for completion before Christmas this year.
We know that staged building contracts can sometimes be a bit tiresome for the existing residents, but you should take solace in the fact that each completed stage adds a whole new level of quality and value the project overall.
Yours sincerely