Although the apartments, here at the Anchorage are quite sizeable in comparison to other similar properties on the market, we understand that some of our residents are downsizing from large family homes may appreciate a few smart, storage solutions.
Downsizing from a house to an apartment doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to make do with less. Incorporating smart storage solutions into your moving plan can save you a lot of time, money and energy when it comes to the physically moving.
Read our top tips on storage solutions below…
Choose furniture that allows additional storage.
Our best tip when it comes to storage solutions is to be smart during the furniture selection and purchase process.
This may be as simple as a choosing a coffee and side tables with additional shelving or drawer storage as opposed to a table that has only the top for accessorising. To give you a different option, you could opt for a storage ottoman in replacement of a coffee table or entry bench to store shoes, magazines, blankets… really anything that isn’t attractive to the eye and that could look cluttered in a small space.
For the main bedroom, purchase a bedframe that has shelving or storage in the bedhead and drawers in the base. (See a range of storage bed options from Ikea by clicking here).
If you already have a bedframe that you love, try adding baskets or rolling storage boxes underneath the bed. This will add a stylish flair to the room and provide additional storage at the same time.
If you are a regular entertainer, you could may also consider investing in a sofa with a fold out bed to allow additional sleeping space for your guests.
Storage pods instead of office or dining chairs is also a clever storage hack.
Utilise Wall Space
Instead of hanging a piece of artwork on every wall, you could introduce floating shelves or additional cabinetry.
Adding ceiling to floor bookcases or shelving units will also create additional space for your home.
Add Shelves to the inside of Cabinet Doors
Don’t forget to use the space on the inside of your cabinetry doors. Depending on the space inside the cabinets there may be options to add additional shelving or storage hangings to house your recipe books, spices etc
Decorative storage options
For example, if you love books or magazines then you could introduce clusters of them into spaces such as your coffee or side table in your living room. Depending on your bedside table situation, you may be able to stack a pile of books underneath of beside each table and describe it as part of your ‘design style’.
Don’t forget, some of your hobbies could become wall decals… Guitars, bikes, mugs? In this modern day you can get away with hanging them on a wall and calling it art. It also makes them easily accessible if you do use them on a regular basis.