We completed the level 2 slab pour and post-tensioning prior to Christmas break, and masonry walls and concrete columns were also installed and core filled.
We have recommenced works on-site 6th January and have complete the formwork for level 3 slab. Reinforcement is currently underway and we are endeavouring to pour deck 3 on 15th Jan (weather dependent).
Looking ahead to February we will be commencing high-level services and internal wall frames on level 2 units.
Within the following months, Anchorage is looking forward to expanding our garden size. This will add more variety of fruits and vegetables for everyone to enjoy. The garden expansion will include additional garden beds as well as adding in compost bins from Subpod.
Effective composting is one of the keys to solving problems of food waste management, food accessibility, and soil degradation. Composting can be an incredibly powerful process to transform organic waste into fertile soil to grow nutrient-dense food. The garden expansion should be completed within the next month and we look forward to the installation of the Subpods and all of the benefits it brings to our gardens!