News: March, 2018

“Since our previous report we are pleased to advise that the project is progressing well, on budget & on time.

The Communal Facilities area is well and truly completed and now all can see the enormity of the space and amazing inclusions and finishes.

Quite often it is hard to visualize all of this from a model or drawings but now it is there for all to see and enjoy.

Building Three is now well underway with completion expected around Christmas this year. The views from Buildings One & Two are already quite striking but it will be great to see what will truly be amazing views from the top of this building.

Our office has just completed the new designs for Building Four… which promise to raise the bar even higher.”

– Greg Coles of Forgan Smith Architects

Greg also made a point in saying that he has always respected the developers of the Anchorage Apartments willingness to react to the market. he explained, “This surely makes this project stand out from the rest and should be reflected in the long-term value of the units.”


Residents from Building and Stage 3 of our Hope Island development that is scheduled for completion towards the end of this year were invited onsite to enjoy a morning tea hosted in our onsite function room.  We all had a lovely morning getting to know one another, and the catered food was just superb!


These past few weeks have seen the beginning of our Marina installation. Our residents will have the opportunity to purchase a Marina berth to house their boat in their backyard! Completion is scheduled over the next few weeks! If you would like to register your interest please email your enquiry to or pop into our friendly sales office located onsite.


Monday to Saturday
10am – 4pm
Sunday by Appointment
93 Sheehan Ave, Hope Island

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10am – 4pm
93 Sheehan Ave, Hope Island
 1300 075 432

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